Team UTeam Ü

When a bunch of Big Ü’s reach coherence and co-create together, they are a true force to be reckoned with. They leave behind all notions of internal and external competition in favour of co-creation and co-operation.

People love what they are doing and who they are doing it with. Together, and collectively, they are raising their Human Holder Value.

Customers arrive, as if by magic and suppliers love to work with a team which is full of awe, and then some! A company of Big Ü’s is unstoppable.

This programme embraces inputs right across the business from all stakeholders and looks at business, team and individual requirements.

Outputs from this programme

Where you will end up:
  • A business operating with complete coherence
  • A business which is ahead of the game
  • A business which makes a difference

What’s involved?

The programme runs over 6 months and with the following steps:
  • Value Driven Alignment
  • Value Leadership Programme
  • Total Team Heart Coherence
  • Whole Business Mind Alignment
  • Four A’s Mapping
  • Temporal Flow Planning


So you get the maximum benefit from this intensive, deep and enlightening process, it is vital that:
  • Ideally at least one senior stakeholder has undertaken the Biggest Ü mentoring
  • Two or three senior managers have undertaken the Bigger Ü mentoring
  • All attendees have read The Big Ü book and listened to the meditations
  • … and that you want to think and be really, really big!

Get in touch
